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Films of Beauty. Stories of Hope



Talks, illustrations, and service activities from The Puzzle Factory.

Care for those in your community who suffer mental illness and for their families.

Steps to involvement to help your group love "the least of these" outside the four walls of your corgnaization.

Topic Areas

Walking through mental illness

Caring for "the least of these"


All Messenger Films content, including images is downloadable and free to use.

We only ask that you include Messenger Films - The Puzzle Factory credit and remain true to the spirit of the content.

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What can one person do?

Title: What can one person do?

Key Quote:  


Key Illustrations:

Available Media:

Put the first illustration or lines of the message here to give a feeling of the talk.


This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your READ MORE LINK

Parting Thought

What difference can a movie make?

We won't change care for the those who struggle with mental illness overnight. 

But we can make a difference.


History is full of stories of change.

Abraham Lincoln, William Wilberforce, Frederick Douglas.

Help turn a movie into a movement.



We could place some of the helpful information that Greg Wright has curated on the Facebook page here.

Links to messages and resources by other organizations.

Small group resources - (these can also be for groups like Kiwanis)

disclaimer - These links are to websites and resources Messenger Films believe will be helpful.  Please use your own discernment. We cannot vouch for everything on non Messenger Films sites.

Gold Addy Winner for Best Photography Campaign in the Nation

©  Silker Studios

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